Tag - car tires

What to look for when buying a caravan?
What to look for when buying a caravan?

A caravan is a luxury that more and more people afford. If you enjoy traveling and want a little more mobile comfort in your travels this type of purchase may be something for you. However, if you decide to buy a caravan, there are some pretty important things to keep in mind. What formalities are involved in buying a caravan?

A classic car with a rotten floor – does such an investment pay off?
A classic car with a rotten floor – does such an investment pay off?

Found a classic you’ve been thinking about for a long time? However, there is one “small” problem. The car has a floor that looks like pitted cheese. Does such an investment make sense then? Check it!

Is it worth investing in the classics?
Is it worth investing in the classics?

It may seem that classics are an ideal investment, but are they really? In general, the whole undertaking turns out to be quite risky and above all – very expensive.

Driving your classic out of the garage after winter? Here’s what you need to remember!
Driving your classic out of the garage after winter? Here’s what you need to remember!

The thaw is a great time to maintain several items on your classic, including changing filters or oil. Check to see what else needs checking.

How has the Opel Vectra changed over the years?
How has the Opel Vectra changed over the years?

As one of the most popular cars at the turn of the 21st century, the Vectra has made automotive history for good. What makes this model special? Why did it win the hearts of its owners?

Can a classic be tuned?
Can a classic be tuned?

Want to tune up a classic? Check out what you can do! In this text you will find lots of advice on how to change cars from a previous era!

Is it worth driving a classic in winter? Advantages and disadvantages of this solution
Is it worth driving a classic in winter? Advantages and disadvantages of this solution

Winter is a difficult time for classic cars. We check whether they are worth driving then.

Opel Calibra – once ridiculed, now valued
Opel Calibra – once ridiculed, now valued

Until a few years ago, the word “Calibra” was associated exclusively with kitsch. Over time, the ridiculed “ugly duckling” has become a sought-after good on the automotive market.

Opels from the 1990s – are they classics anymore?
Opels from the 1990s – are they classics anymore?

The difference between a classic and an old junker is not as glaring as you might think. Some cars we love, others we try to forget, but how is it with Opel?

Does tire development technology really affect driving?
Does tire development technology really affect driving?

Does tire development technology affect driving? Find out in this article. You’ll also learn about the latest suggestions from tyre manufacturers!

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